Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Ok - so I have totally broken the number one composition rule of putting your centre of interest smack dab in the middle of the canvas. But I think it still works because of the turbulent sky, the fence and the value change in the foreground to guide your eye around. What do you think?


Patrice said...

I think it works just great. Perhaps its the flow of your brushwork, but the energy of the whole is definitely one of motion. No static or staid landscape here.

Very nice.!

Unknown said...

One of the very best reasons I love your work is that you don't bind yourself to rules. How else is great art made. If we all followed the "rules" we might as well all do paint-by-numbers. Love this.

[ps... I don't know what this means but my Word Verification for this post today is "sadist" yikes!]

Carol Schiff Daily Painting said...

I was always told by my art instructor "First you learn the rules, then you break them". This is a great piece that works wonderfully. You have such a strong sense of painting style and unique colors, your paintings are instantly identified, just what every artist dreams of. You go girl!

Anonymous said...

I love your work. This painting definitely fits right into that rule--your focal point is clearly the SKY! (maybe not what you intended but I completely love it)

jennifer woodburn said...

Thanks for the kind feedback everyone. I am glad that I didn't repaint it. You are right, those rules are meant to be broken!